trans·for·ma·tion: a metamorphosis, a shift in consciousness or perception. Renewal. An awakening into new possibility. A rebirth.

We all live for the weekend… a pardon from our daily grind. My Five Year Old has even adopted the jubilee on Friday mornings with the excitement of staying up later and Saturday morning sleep-ins. “No school tomorrow, no work tomorrow,” he and his sister sings as they head out of the door with their lunchbox and book bags.

Weekends can be a mini-vacay with late night binge watching, but as Sunday winds down, anxiety climbs with Monday’s To-Do List. You've replaced dreams for yourself with the weekly grind and sheer exhaustion. But what if a weekend's investment could recharge you enough to power through your week? The Weekend Wellness Integrative Group offers guidance to strengthen the 7 Wellness Pillars for lifelong transformation: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Occupational, Financial, Environmental and Social.